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Stafford Market Square Renovation

Client: Stafford Borough Council

Location: Stafford

Cost: 1.8M

Project Type: Public Realm

XQLA and their consultant team were appointed by Stafford Borough Council to support the Council in the transformation of Stafford town centre starting with the restoration of the market square. Funded through the Future High Streets Fund it entails the refurbishment of the medieval square including the restructuring of the public highway to offer greater useable space for public events and enable the significance of the Guildhall (Grade 11 listed) to be reasserted and in so doing deliver a step change in the quality and welcome of this county town’s principal public space.

The project involved renewal of fabric including street furniture and lighting to a high quality palette appropriate to the heritage setting and the spaces critical civic function, as well as installation of service infrastructure and the redefinition of the traditional division between road way and pavement through high quality floorscapes. The square is recently completed and now ready for a busy year of public events including the Christmas light switch on, annual Iron Man, Stafford Music festivals and weekly farmers market.

We have also been commisioned to undertake Stafford Train Station frontage, which is due to commence constrution in Jan 2025.

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