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Alderley Road, Wilmslow

Client: Quorum Estates Ltd

Location: Wilmslow

Cost: £550k

Area: N/A

Project Type: Public Realm

A high quality plinth for a contemporary refurbishment was created along this retail block with the express intent to reinvigorate this southern gateway into Wilmslow’s exclusive shopping street associated with Alderley Road. A simplified treatment was proposed along the length of frontage and a significant change in level viewed as an opportunity to define a raised space that could accommodate external uses. Bespoke materials and detailing were developed to create a high quality environment reflective of its market town/residential context, such that it is now set to become a catalyst for further business investment into the area.

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Key project challenges that were overcome included engagement with local business/delivery of fully accessible environment/interface treatments to existing streetscene/material selection appropriate to context/phased delivery to ensure continuity of trading.